A Host of Golden Oca Flowers

The cool, wet and windy weather we've been having lately doesn't seem to have deterred the ocas from flowering. If anything, their flower power seems to have intensified.  For some reason, I thought of Wordsworth's daffodils as I surveyed the host of golden oca flowers. My clouds, unlike his, weren't lonely though and it pelted down soon afterwards.

I expect the current crop of flowers will cope with a bit of rain, although the clear and present danger of frost makes me fear for their safety. If weather permits, I shall await their maturity and glean the ripening pods when the opportunity presents itself. My oca seed repository (an ice cream tub, empty) must contain several hundred seeds by now.

As is usual, the ocas seem to be managing quite well on their own: here's yet another volunteer seedling, flowering merrily, a short distance away from the main bed. As it was on its lonesome ownsome, I took the liberty of transferring some pollen from one of its neighbours; there were probably sufficient pollinators around for this to be another case of unnecessary interference on my part, but it helps give me the illusion of indispensability.


Julien said…
Wow ! What kind of oca is this ??? Are they from your own true seeds ? I could only notice a few flowers on only one of my twelve plants in July and never again. Hope you'll get plenty of seeds !
Mark said…
Absolutely awesome
Rhizowen said…
Hi Julien

They are mostly oca varieties I have raised from seed myself. Our climate seems to favour flowering and seed set, which is, from my point of view, convenient.

Hi Mark
It sometimes feels like some progress is being made. I'm crossing my fingers that eventually a long day adapted seedling will turn up. We'll see.
Ottawa Gardener said…
Illusionary indispensability is indispensable! I dream of oca flowers.
Unknown said…
If anything, their flower power seems to have Flowers Salt Lake City intensified. For some reason, I thought of Wordsworth's daffodils as I surveyed the host of golden oca flowers.