Is that an anthocarp on your inflorescence or are you just pleased to see me? Mae West's opinion of obscure root crops is, as far as I know, unrecorded, but I like to think she would have taken full advantage of the innuendos that lurk in the seedy, fecund alleyways of horticulture. Pricking out, for example, could hardly have escaped her attention. That, in conjunction with hardening off, would surely have led to the genesis of some memorable one-liners, all delivered in Mae's signature drawl.
I decided to break with tradition and follow my own advice for once - I brought the burgeoning blossom bearers indoors as temperatures dropped. They have been sitting on a windowsill for several weeks now and have thus avoided the cold snap that hammered their outdoor compatriots.
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Image courtesy of Frank van Keirsbilck |
Just discovered that Glasgow botanic gardens. The ethnobotanicalsection of the Kibble palace greenhouse has yacon in flower currently. I'll take my camera next time to photograph it.
How are the ocas?