Arrayed before you are some seeds of hopniss (Apios americana) gathered from the area around High Point, New Jersey. Their arrival was certainly the high point of my day.
They were collected by Bryan Connolly, a seed saver, plant breeder and chicken farmer from Connecticut. Bryan also happens to be the Massachusetts State Botanist and is a scientist with a long standing interest in Apios americana. That's what I call multi-tasking.
High Point is, surprise, surprise, the highest point in Noo Joisy, "The Garden State" and has the coolest climate in the vicinity, lying close to the border with New York State. That ought to increase the odds of some better adapted plants for the UK compared to those from further south. Could this be the start of a northern adapted hopniss breeding programme? Time will tell. In any case it will be fun growing them and comparing them to my other accessions.
I am now presenting the Universe with a further challenge: deliver to me seeds from Apios plants growing even further north than New Jersey. These are to arrive on my desk by Thanksgiving, or failing that, Christmas: decorate my desk with hopniss, tra-la-la-la-la-la -la- la-la.
I dont suppose you would be prepared to sell a few seeds or tubers?
Remind me again in the autumn - I'm assuming you live in Europe somewhere. If you live in the eastern USA you're in a better position to find hopniss than I am. Failing that geographical serendipity, I'm sure I can spare a tuber or two.
It would be great if you could spare a couple of tubers.. I am in the UK.
I will get in touch again in Autumn. Nice blog by the way :)